

黑格斯鼓隊 (The Hackers Drum Corps),成立於 2009 年,樂隊成員平均擁有十年或以上的豐富演出經驗。本隊成立目的是團結一群畢業仍熱衷於鼓樂之人仕,使各隊員能繼續提升音樂造詣及步操水平。為求改進技術及擴闊視野,本隊亦積極參與步操樂隊比賽及交流活動,以實踐隊員多年來的學習及訓練成果,本隊於2010年更遠赴泰國參加當地的比賽及巡遊活動,透過與外隊交流提高隊員對國際比賽的知識及經驗。

The Hackers Drum Corps was established in 2009. We aim to provide a platform for sustainable learning in music and marching skills, especially to gather the group of graduated students who still enthuses in playing drums. Members of us are all experienced in performances.

In order to widen the horizons and scale a new height in our skills and techniques, we practice what we learned in this field by participating in various competitions and activities such as the one hosted in Thailand in 2010. We gain experiences, foster teamwork and cooperation through different kinds of training and performances. We believe practice makes perfect and every time, we dedicate to present our best to you.

香港龍舟嘉年華 - 生力暢飲樂園 2011
- 我們曾參與「香港龍舟嘉年華 - 生力暢飲樂園 2011」的表演嘉賓

泰國國際步操樂團比賽 2010
- 我們曾參與「泰國國際步操樂團比賽 2010」

香港步操樂隊節 2010
- 我們曾參與「香港步操樂隊節 2010 」比賽